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A nutritious milk drink for growing children, in a delicious Biscuity Vanilla flavour

What is Nestlé LACTOGROW®?

 Nestlé LACTOGROW® is a scientifically formulated nutritious milk drink made to suit the nutritional needs of your 2-6 years old child. It comes in a delicious biscuity vanilla flavour that your kid will love. It contains essential nutrients like Vitamin C, D, Zinc, Calcium, Iron & Protein that help support your little one’s normal immune system function & physical growth & development.

Why choose Nestlé LACTOGROW®?

Nestlé LACTOGROW® is a scientifically formulated tasty & nutritious milk drink for 2-6 years old. It contains nutrients that help support normal –

lactogrow benefits
  1. Immune system function: It is rich in Immuno-Nutrients like Vitamin C, B6, Zinc, and Selenium
  2. Bone development: It is rich in Calcium & Vitamin D
  3. Muscle growth: It is rich in Protein
  4. Brain development: It contains Alpha linolenic Acid
  5. Cognitive development: It contains Iron & Iodine.

Also, it contains whey protein which is easy to digest & Probiotic L.reuteri.

It is from Nestle which has 155 years of scientific expertise in nutrition.

How to make Nestlé LACTOGROW®?

Lactogrow how to make step 1

Boil drinking water for 5 minutes and leave it till lukewarm.

Lactogrow how to make step 2

Gradually mix 7 level scoops++ (33.5g) to 210ml of lukewarm water until powder is fully dissolved.

Lactogrow how to make step 3

Mixing with water at more than body temperature may compromise benefits of the probiotics.

Lactogrow how to make step 4

Also tastes delicious with milk ++1 scoop ~ 4.78g


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Nestlé LACTOGROW® Nutritious Milk Drink

A Nutritious Milk Drink for growing children aged 2-6 years.

icon faq


Is LACTOGROW® suitable for children who are allergic to lactose?

LACTOGROW® contains lactose and hence not recommended for children suffering from lactose allergy. Please contact your Pediatrician for further details.

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What are the flavors in which LACTOGROW® is available?

LACTOGROW® is available in a Biscuity Vanilla flavour

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How do I prepare one serve of LACTOGROW®?
  • Boil drinking water and leave it till lukewarm
  • Gradually mix approximately 3 teaspoonso (-33.5g) to 210ml of lukewarm water until powder is fully dissolved


Mixing with water at more than body temperature may compromise benefits of the probiotics. 

Also tastes delicious with milk


oTeaspoons with 5ml delivery

Suggested servings: 2 serves per day. Recommended to be consumed along with variety of foods like cereals, pulses, fruits & vegetables for your 2-6 year old child.

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