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Health and Hygiene

Health and Hygiene

Ensure all-round health and hygiene for your little one with these helpful tips.

Ensure all-round health and hygiene for your little one with these helpful tips.

child bowel movements

Know your child’s stool and what to do

Regular bowel movements are very important for your child’s health.

increase immunity in child naturally

Strengthening your toddler’s immune system

We tend to be very cautious when it comes to protecting our toddlers from harmful germs in and out of the house, but providing them with the right nutrition is a huge factor in boosting their immun

icon spoon bottle

Nestlé NANGROW™ Nutritious Milk Drink for Growing Children, Creamy Vanilla

NANGROW™, a Nutritious Milk Drink in a delicious, creamy vanilla flavour for growing children aged 2-6 years.


Nestlé LACTOGROW® Nutritious Milk Drink

A Nutritious Milk Drink for growing children aged 2-6 years.


Nestlé CEREGROW™ Growing Up Multigrain Cereal with Milk & Fruits

Ceregrow™ is a nutritious cereal with the goodness of multigrain, milk & fruits designed to meet the nutritional needs of your li'l one.

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