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Learning and Activities

Learning & Activities

All the handy tips to keep your toddler engaged and encourage their learning

All the handy tips to keep your toddler engaged and encourage their learning

Boost Your Baby’s Brain Development With 5 Fun Activities

Boost Your Baby’s Brain Development With 5 Fun Activities

Did you know that more than one million new neural connections are formed every second at this early stage of a baby’s brain development?

Tips to Encourage Language Skills and Speech Development in Toddlers

Tips to Encourage Language Skills and Speech Development in Toddlers

Language skills are vital for learning to read and write and, hence, are important for academic achievement. When kids learn language early, it helps them talk to others and make friends.

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Nestlé CEREGROW™ Growing Up Multigrain Cereal with Milk & Fruits

Ceregrow™ is a nutritious cereal with the goodness of multigrain, milk & fruits designed to meet the nutritional needs of your li'l one.


Nestlé NANGROW™ Nutritious Milk Drink for Growing Children, Creamy Vanilla

NANGROW™, a Nutritious Milk Drink in a delicious, creamy vanilla flavour for growing children aged 2-6 years.


Nestlé LACTOGROW® Nutritious Milk Drink

A Nutritious Milk Drink for growing children aged 2-6 years.

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Parenting Habits
height and weight chart
Science of Things
how to make kids eat
Development Track
healthy diet chart
Health and Hygiene
balanced diet chart
Fussy Eating
diet chart