Your little one is now beginning to showcase a range of emotions and certain independence in his/her behavior. He/she is now learning to dress and can converse on his/her own. While your toddler is becoming a real joy to interact with, here are a few tips to ensure a healthy development process for your children:

Encourage your child to play independently- Playtime is the most important time for a growing toddler. Provide them with an activity box that contains crayons, coloring books etc., and let them explore their imagination and creativity. Playing with blocks and puzzles help in developing your child’s brain and enhancing their problem-solving skills. Play outdoor games with your children, like kicking ball, rolling, throwing etc. This allows them to pull and push safely, such games help in enhancing your child’s motor skills and induce physical growth. Arrange for play dates that can encourage sharing and interacting.
Nurture his/her ‘Independent’ self. Encourage your child to express their feelings and let out emotions. Accept their natural behavior and let your children know that you are there to guide them. Motivation from parents can significantly help in nurturing a toddler’s personalities. Praise your child for following rules and discourage them if they break any rule. Teach them table manners and let your child eat meals on their own. Praise and reward your child for attempts at doing things by themselves, this will help them gain confidence.

As a parent, you are struggling to understand your growing toddler. Implement the above and help your child turn independent and confident.